Afdeling Jette

Together, we are building a better Jette! 

Jette is een levendige, groene en diverse gemeente, maar de huidige meerderheid lijkt meer met interne politieke conflicten bezig dan met het investeren in de gemeente. Het is essentieel om in te zetten op een duurzame gemeente en een gezelliger stadsleven, met initiatieven voor propere straten, duurzame mobiliteit en veilige buurten. Er moet meer aandacht gaan naar betaalbare, kwaliteitsvolle kinderopvang en naschoolse activiteiten, evenals toegankelijke speeltuinen en recreatievoorzieningen voor kinderen. Ook betaalbaar wonen en het ondersteunen van duurzame renovatieprojecten zijn cruciaal voor een betere Jette.

Patricia Rodrigues da Costa

Patricia holds a degree in political science (VUB) and public relations. She works as a Public Affairs advisor at Infrabel, is a municipal councillor and OCMW member in Jette, and vice-chairman of Visit Brussels. As a Vooruit activist (formerly sp.a) since 2002, she started her career at the communication department of Vooruit and was press officer of the first female Senate President. Patricia is committed to supporting single parents, improving accessibility to housing, mobility and tackling period poverty. As a mother of two teenagers, she attaches great importance to sports and culture for everyone. With her roots in a large family and her pride in her Congolese and Portuguese descent, Patricia embodies the cosmopolitan identity of Brussels. She is a passionate socialist who loves jogging, reading and R&B.

Inssafe El M'Allem

Inssafe verhuisde 7 jaar geleden naar de Lourdeswijk. Haar lach en haar engagement zijn aanstekelijk. Als trotse Belgo-Marokkaanse is ze een vat vol socialistisch enthousiasme en daardoor de perfecte stem voor jongeren die een stad willen waarin ze kansen krijgen en nemen.

Suzy Bleys

Suzy Bleys (47) has lived in the capital for half her life and moved to the pleasant Jette 5 years ago. She loves her municipality and sees how things can and should be improved. For everyone. Jette could certainly show even more ambition. Less fly-tipping, affordable housing for all Jette residents and a more diverse range of leisure and hospitality options. The many forests and parks are a unique asset for Jette. Why don't we make sure that they become the setting for an attractive public offering? As co-chair of, she works hard to make Brussels a safe, clean and affordable city, for the many, not for the few. In the office of Brussels State Secretary Ans Persoons (formerly Pascal Smet), she coordinates the VGC policy in the field of culture, youth & sports. She is an enthusiastic whirlwind who wants to help the talents of all Brussels residents grow. A broad and warm Dutch-language offering that ensures equal opportunities for all children and the ambition of a metropolis for the many artists that our city is rich in.

35. David Hernalsteen

David is 64 years old and has lived in Jette since 1991. He started as a catering entrepreneur and has been the owner of the Barapaot restaurant on the Kardinaal Mercierplein since 1997. Although he serves Belgian classics, David is a creative jack-of-all-trades. Not only does his menu change regularly, but the interior of his restaurant is also a life's work. He collects vintage and original objects to please everyone. David loves to bring people together and where better to do that than at the bar or around the table.