Sint-Agatha-Berchem has transitioned from a nostalgic farming village to a vibrant municipality facing modern urban challenges. The young population is growing, increasing the need for schools, nurseries, and affordable housing. However, in the Moderne district, youth unemployment remains a major issue, a challenge that calls for action and the creation of opportunities for the future.
Vooruit and the PS actively participate in local governance, focusing on poverty reduction, innovative economic projects, and improved public services. We emphasize preventive measures and service improvements, which are crucial in the fight against poverty.
The green character of the municipality, illustrated by the Wilder Forest and Hoogveld, calls for balanced development. Mobility challenges are being addressed with priority given to cyclists and pedestrians. Cultural institutions, including the Music Academy and the library, contribute to the rich local cultural life.
The municipality remains a pleasant place to live, work, and thrive. Vooruit remains committed to this cause.

Philippe Beke