
Ixelles is one of the most beautiful, but also one of the most expensive municipalities in Belgium to live in. There is great inequality and due to rising rent and housing prices, life in the municipality is becoming unaffordable for more and more people.

Vooruit strives for an Ixelles for all Ixelles. This means that we also involve the many non-Belgian residents in local politics. And that we motivate them to use their right to vote. To this end, we conducted an ‘I Vote Where I Live’ campaign and we are convinced of trilingual (NL-FR-EN) communication to the Ixelles.

An Ixelles for everyone also means that there must be better service in Dutch from the municipality. At the counter, but also in education. We are a driving force behind the first Dutch-speaking municipal school in Ixelles, which will be built in 2024. The Dutch-speaking culture and community benefits from the proper functioning of the Ixelles community centre and the Sans Souci library, which are explicitly open to speakers of other languages.



Gerard Oosterwijk

Elena Gil Puchau

Elena moved to Belgium in 2011 and feels completely at home in Ixelles, where she enjoys living. However, she realises that inequality is one of the biggest challenges in the neighbourhood. As a CPAS member, she is committed to creating equal opportunities for all Ixelles residents so that everyone can live with dignity with the support of the municipality.

Isaac Defise

Maggie Coulthard