Bieke Comer
With quality crèches, solid schools, a top-class library and a strong cultural and youth policy, I want to offer the citizens of Anderlecht opportunities to flourish and develop. But I also want to build a modern administration, with committed staff and well-managed finances.

Bieke Comer has lived in Anderlecht for over 15 years, first in Cureghem and then in Scheut. She has also been active in the local section of Vooruit for 15 years. Bieke is a lawyer and has worked in regional administration. She is married and has two children.
Housing and families
Politically, she devoted herself to the field of housing, and more specifically social housing. First as Director of the Foyer Anderlechtois and then as President of the Brussels Housing Corporation. She has also been involved in family policy in Anderlecht as President of ‘Ket in Anderlecht’, which includes the Maison de l'Enfant and the IBO KIK.
Bieke is currently deputy for Dutch-speaking affairs (schools, day nurseries, library, youth and culture) and for Personnel, Finance and Internal Modernisation.